Friday, February 11, 2011

Who's Got Two Thumbs And Can't Wait For The Carolina Challenge Cup? (And C'mon Charlie! C'mon!)

THIS GUY! Sorry for that...

As the Charleston Battery are making their preseason shaking and moving, my beloved DC United are doing the same. But before I get to DC news and comment, a huge congrats goes to the Battery front office for coming to terms with Colin Falvey, Zach Prince, and Keith Wiggans, who were all members of last years USL 2 Championship Battery team. Pending the red tape, we would be for the better with these guys on the field. Which does take me back to 2003...when we won the A league and then just about every great player on the team left for other teams. I boycotted the Battery for the entire month of February 2004. I understand how contracts work, people get paid, and how players don't really have loyalty when it comes to a bigger got over it. But some of the guys that took me out for my 21st birthday left the team that year and left me holding on to memories instead of making new ones....and it also sucked that I no longer got free tix and passes to the 3 Lion's.  That 2003 team was amazing to watch. It was a shame that we couldn't have seen a legacy begin. You know, they did this to us at DC after we won the Cup a few times. They have this horrible mindset in US Soccer that freaks them out when teams win multiple consecutive championships. Something to do with blaming the collapse of the NASL on the NY Cosmos winning the championship every year. And of course that is a myth. Yeah, for sure the Cosmos was the face of the NASL, but there was other talent and other winners over the 17 seasons the league was in existence.

Fans pay tribute to Charlie Davies in October 2009.But on to the Charlie Davies news and DC United. Dunno for sure if its gonna happen, but if he gets signed... the fans coming out to Battery Park for the Challenge Cup better get started on the #9 signs and be ready to cheer on the boy. He needs all the support we can give.  This is what welomed the US players as they came onto the field vs Costa Rica days after Charlie's accident. A match in which Charlie Davies was sure to delight USMNT fans with another display of his ability, his speed, his finishing, and his charm.  With DC picking up some very experienced veteran players to come in up top and score some goals as well as impart a bit of wisdom to the younger recruits of Olsen's Army...the team would do well to bring on board a player such as Davies.

RFK being just a short distance from the site of the fatal car crash where Davies career was buried. The home of DC United could, and I believe  it absolutely should, very well be the site of his career's resurrection. Having played with Davies in the 2007 Copa America, Head Coach Ben Olsen know exactly what Charlie is capable of when he is 100%. "I love Charlie..." Olsen says, " It’s no different than any other trialist..", "We’ll evaluate him physically, mentally, tactically and all the things we look for in players. We’ll see."  With a decision to come as early as tomorrow, I am one soccer fan who has recently bitten off all my fingernails with the end of the transfer window last week and is currently widdling his fingers down to nubs over this news to come.

With the Barra Brava and the Screaming Eagles already singin' songs to Charlie, this seems like its a done deal............but its not. So, for now, lets just sing a while and hope that good things keep coming our way.

His leg is fine,
His play's sublime.
He's Charlie Davies,
United's #9!

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